We are ASR


With more than 30 years of experience, we offer specialized services in fraud risk assessment. Our focus is on trust and integrity.


ASR Consultores S.A.S. was founded as ASR Insurance Adjusters Ltda., thanks to the growth of the insurance market and its need for expert claims adjusters and risk analysts to provide a new approach to this activity, different from the traditional services previously offered.

Thus, based on the years of experience gathered by the members of the team that form the organization, the idea was materialized, and operations began immediately.

In the same year, the first issue of NOTI AJUSTES, a monthly newsletter specialized in insurance and risk management topics, was published.

1995 1998 2003 2023 2020
Fight Against Fraud - 1998 Three years after its Incorporation, a significant increase in fraud cases affecting the insurance sector was identified, commited both BY insurers´s staff and direct victims. This led us to begin our specialization in the fight against fraud and corruption, by providing training, consulting, analysis, and evaluation services for such risks, initially in the insurance sector and later extending to other economic sectors. 1995 1998 2003 2023 2020 Integration of AVS Software - 2003 In 2003, ASR made an agreement with Digilog UK to acquire the usage and distribution rights for the AVS Solution, a system that employs advanced technology and techniques to support fraud risk prevention and detection processes, initially for the insurance sector with excellent results. Subsequently, its use was extended to dispute resolution processes, investigations, pre-employment interviews, among others. Today, we have a broad portfolio of clients who entrust key risk assessment processes to our Solution, offering a quick, simple, and reliable service. 1995 1998 2003 2023 2020 Change of Corporate Name - 2020 Due to its specialization in fraud and corruption risk management and the growing demand for services aimed at deterring, preventing, and managing these risks, ASR ceased to provide claims adjustment and risk inspection services to focus on managing such risks. Currently, we retain only the loss of profit insurance claims adjustment and evaluation as a sideline service. From that year on, our company was legally renamed ASR Consultores S.A.S. 1995 1998 2003 2023 2020 Introduction of New Services - 2023 In anticipating the needs that could arise due to the global effort against money laundering and terrorism financing, ASR prepared itself and, in 2023, began offering services as a compliance officer and as consultants on all matters related to Compliance. Today, we act not only as advisors but also as external compliance officers for an increasing number of companies, with a high-level professional and human team. 1995 1998 2003 2023 2020
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1995 Constitution - 1995 ASR Consultores S.A.S. was founded as ASR Insurance Adjusters Ltda., thanks to the growth of the insurance market and its need for expert claims adjusters and risk analysts to provide a new approach to this activity, different from the traditional services previously offered.

Thus, based on the years of experience gathered by the members of the team that form the organization, the idea was materialized, and operations began immediately.

In the same year, the first issue of NOTI AJUSTES, a monthly newsletter specialized in insurance and risk management topics, was published.
1998 Fight Against Fraud - 1998 Three years after its Incorporation, a significant increase in fraud cases affecting the insurance sector was identified, commited both BY insurers´s staff and direct victims. This led us to begin our specialization in the fight against fraud and corruption, by providing training, consulting, analysis, and evaluation services for such risks, initially in the insurance sector and later extending to other economic sectors. 2003 Integration of AVS Software - 2003 In 2003, ASR made an agreement with Digilog UK to acquire the usage and distribution rights for the AVS Solution, a system that employs advanced technology and techniques to support fraud risk prevention and detection processes, initially for the insurance sector with excellent results. Subsequently, its use was extended to dispute resolution processes, investigations, pre-employment interviews, among others. Today, we have a broad portfolio of clients who entrust key risk assessment processes to our Solution, offering a quick, simple, and reliable service. 2020 Change of Corporate Name - 2020 Due to its specialization in fraud and corruption risk management and the growing demand for services aimed at deterring, preventing, and managing these risks, ASR ceased to provide claims adjustment and risk inspection services to focus on managing such risks. Currently, we retain only the loss of profit insurance claims adjustment and evaluation as a sideline service. From that year on, our company was legally renamed ASR Consultores S.A.S. 2023 Introduction of New Services - 2023 In anticipating the needs that could arise due to the global effort against money laundering and terrorism financing, ASR prepared itself and, in 2023, began offering services as a compliance officer and as consultants on all matters related to Compliance. Today, we act not only as advisors but also as external compliance officers for an increasing number of companies, with a high-level professional and human team.
ASR team image

Our team

We are a consulting firm with more than 30 years of experience in the management of administrative and fraud risks, which accompanies people and companies, through the provision of specialized advisory services, support, training and education, standing out for the implementation of the best existing technology, professional ethics and the warmth of its team.

Years of experience

Fraud cases investigated

Public and private sector entities served in Colombia and LATAM

Of reliability interviews conducted

Our values

We do excellent work